HTZ Coin Swap to HTZ BEP20 Tokens

Hertz Network will  be fully migrates to BSC network by March 20th 2023.


Please follow the these steps to swap your HTZ Coin to HTZ BEP20 Token by March 20th, 2023.

  1. Fill up the form here.
  2. Send HTZ Coin to the address 0x41367f30f07cb55f684b1339d921999f7b8a76bd
  3. The team will send HTZ BEP20 Token to the your same wallet address in 72 hours
  4. Install MetaMask wallet extension on your browser.
  5. Please make sure to add token contract 0xb5BBA78B4dF2D47DD46078514a3e296AB3c344Fe to your Metamask to see HTZ BEP20 Token