HTZ 3rd Autostake Rewards Distributed
We are proud to announce that the 3rd Autostake Rewards have been distributed as scheduled 🥳😉 !!! The next snapshot for 2.00% monthly autostake rewards will be on October 25th at 5:00PM GMT
HTZ 2nd Autostake Rewards Distributed
We are proud to announce that the 2nd Autostake Rewards have been distributed as scheduled 🥳😉 !!! The next snapshot for 2.00% monthly autostake rewards will be on September 25th at 5:00PM GMT
HTZ 1st Autostake Rewards Distributed
We are proud to announce that the first Autostake Rewards have been distributed as promised 🥳😉 !!! The next snapshot for 2.00% monthly autostake rewards will be on August 25th at 5:00PM GMT
HTZ Monthly Autostakes
Dear Hertz Network Community, The development team is pleased to inform you that, starting from August 2021, we will distribute autostake rewards monthly instead of quarterly so investors will receive rewards more often. The monthly autostake rewards will be 2% per month (compounded 26.82% per year) until the end of 2023, and then decreasing 0.15%/year […]
HTZ First Quarterly Distribution
Hello HERTZers ! 😎 We are proud to announce that the snapshot has been taken as scheduled 🥳😉 !!!  Please see the list of eligible wallets here.
HTZ Airdrops News
The Snapshot has been taken at block 1116451 as planned. The airdrop registration is now open from February 16th to March 16th, 2021 5:00PM GMT  Please keep in mind that : ✅ Only RSTR Holders that synced their wallet before the Snapshot will be able to register for an HTZ airdrop during this period. ✅ If you […]